Friday, August 9, 2013

Picasso of Handmade Awards & Trophies

There is a great value in hand crafted, hand made crystal art created by true artists and not automated machines. That’s right! Handmade Art in Crystal! We produce some of the worlds finest Trophies and Awards For Company Souvenirs created by old world artists.
Sometimes I hear customers saying “these pieces are not all the same” they have very small differences. I kindly explain to them, when we make a totally handmade crystal art piece, no pieces will be exactly alike. I would not dare tell Picasso to make 10 paintings, but all must be exactly alike. These differences creates a certain value and personal touch to every Award and Trophy we create for our customers. “The Secret to Quality Handmade Crystal Trophies And Awards” The small differences in these Crystal Art pieces from our factory shows the beauty of a totally hand made crystal piece following old world traditions. Our traditions dates back into the 1700′s & we have over 400 years experience in Crystal Making. We would also like to point out that we are the Picasso of Handmade Awards & Trophies


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    1. I am also Blue crystals customer. I took one crystal gift. They made very nicely.
